Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Read online

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  Exercise 2 of 5 – Set up a “Words of Attraction” list

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  The second exercise for this week is to look at the words you are using, this is another list you can add to your toolbox. Words by themselves are fairly neutral. What gives them power is the intention and emotion we associate with them. I can say a word with a completely different intention and emotion behind it then what another person may. In fact, I could use a word one time with one emotion and another time where it would have a completely different feeling to it. The word is not as important as the thought-feeling that goes with it, but the word can be a good indicator of what you are thinking. It can help you to be more aware of your thought-feelings and that is very powerful. Thoughts lead to emotions and emotions together with the thought cause a feeling. This feeling gets impressed as an energetic frequency on the subconscious which then sets attraction in motion. So again, words can help you to be more aware of sending the vibration that will get you the results you are looking for.

  Beware of this; if you find yourself using positive words to accommodate a situation, but inside you are feeling negative, guess what get’s impressed on the subconscious mind. Yes, it is the feeling. When this happens the word is not the indicator of your thought-emotion, it simply is an indicator of the disharmony between what you are saying and what you are feeling. You will want to keep your words, thoughts and emotions in harmony and in a positive direction. Another thing to remember is that the subconscious mind cannot take a joke; it just absorbs the frequency of the feeling. If you use words like struggle, overwhelm or word phrases like “this is hard” or “I can’t” or “I am no good at that” and any other words or word combinations that can inspire a low vibration emotion, you are putting yourself at risk of attracting what you don’t want. Who wants to attract struggle and overwhelm into their life, who wants to cause the things they do to be “hard”? So be very careful with your words. Even words in casual conversation can conjure up some low vibration emotional states. Listen to yourself and others and keep yourself in conversations of high vibration.

  To help you develop an awareness on what words you are using I recommend that you setup a “Words of Attraction Dictionary” I have a list of words below that can help you get started. Add as many as you like and come up with your own. The list should get you on the right track as to what words you want to be your regulars, making sure you are helping yourself to attract what you want.

  Abundance Acceptance Adventure Affirmation Allowing Appreciation Attention Beauty Believe Blessed Calm Clarity Confidence Detachment Easy Effortless Eagerness Energy Enthusiasm Excellence Expansion Expectation Expression Fitness Focus Generous Gifts Goodness Gratitude Great Happiness Health Imagination Intention Joy Knowing Light Love Opportunity Patience Plenty Positive Possibility Prosperity Quality Relief Soothing Solution Visualization Wonderful Wealth

  Exercise 3 of 5 – Set up a “Good Qualities” list

  Mind Mastery Area 1

  This is another list you can add to your tool box. List any qualities that you have that make you feel good or cause others to feel good. These can be anything, size does not matter. Thoughtfulness would be a quality that would make others feel good and make you feel good for what it does for others. Qualities can be characteristics, skills, talents, gifts or anything that adds to your and / or others enjoyment of life. This list will be another tool to help connect you to your innate goodness and true self. It can help you to turn away from negativity and refocus on what is good about you. It will also help you to make sure that your self-image is in its natural healthy state; a very important ingredient for taking charge of your life.

  When you have an innate desire to be, do or have something, it is your source self letting you know that is part of why you are here. It is not only your right and for your enjoyment that you be, do or have that thing, it is your duty to express it because others need you to express it. You would not have a desire to express something if there was not a need for it. Nature organizes supply and demand, it’s all natural, we don’t have to think about that part, we just got to live what we are passionate about.

  Exercise 4 of 5 – Setting your attention and focus

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  Take the most pressing issue that you have, the thing you want to change the most and create an affirmation. Write it every day 5 times and get emotionally involved with what you write – feel it, feel you are in it, doing it, have it. The exercise of writing is a strong catalyst for engaging feelings related to what you are writing about. It’s the feeling we are after, that is the element that creates a vibration, that is the language that the conscious mind uses to communicate its instructions to the subconscious mind. Really see yourself in the image you are writing about and feel it like you would feel if the experience was really occurring now. Some examples are below and you can amend them to whatever fits with you:

  I feel abundant

  Money comes to me easily and effortlessly in increasing quantities on a continuous basis

  I have peaceful relationships

  I love my peaceful home

  My body feels great, works great and looks great

  I love my work, it feels fulfilling

  You could also setup a stream of thoughts to go with the affirmation. This is also very powerful as you talk yourself into the “energy vibration” of what you “see” as the physical reality. Vibration is reality, our physical world is merely the presentation of that reality. Here is a sample stream of thoughts flowing from an affirmation.

  Affirmation - I love my work, it feels fulfilling

  Stream of thoughts

  I have great relationships with my coworkers

  Everyone is so helpful and cooperative

  My work feels like play

  I have fun with my work

  Answers come easily to me

  Meetings flow easily and productively

  I am thankful for a comfortable work area

  I receive tremendous respect and appreciation for the work I do

  I have great support for my ideas

  I feel part of the team


  It is vital for you to remember that what you are doing here is setting up the vibration that will cause the attraction of what you desire. Your current life may not resemble this at all and that is ok. What is important is that you use your imagination and mental will, rather than your physical circumstances to conjure up your vibration. If you buy into the vibration of your current unwanted situation you will stay stuck there because you are sending that vibration to your subconscious. You are now starting to use your mind (imagination) to “see” rather than using your 5 senses (which you will realize are more for observation). This is a very important distinction. What you “see” is what inspires your feeling and, therefore, what you attract. This is one of the biggest keys to attracting the life you want. The ability to turn away from current circumstances and appearances and set the vibration from within your imagination - “seeing” the picture in your mind. You will become more comfortable with this concept as you progress through the program.

  What you may be realizing or will realize is that attracting what you want instead of what you don’t want takes just a little shift in the way you use your mind. I suspect that most of the concepts and information you are covering in the program are not completely foreign to you. It’s just learning to use your mind in a more managed and focused manner. It’s about taking charge of your mind to hold what you want to attract rather than letting it swing around to a myriad of different thought streams and letting it be influenced by the outside appearances – things you don’t want. This realization, along with embracing the laws and truths you have become aware of in this program, will have you using your mind in a way that gets you more of what you do want and less of what you don’t want.

  Exercise 5 of
5 – Choosing Empowering Perspectives

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  Many times we tend to look at outside world conditions, circumstances and the way people are behaving and hold them responsible for how we feel. We tend to think that what they are doing has no connection to us, and that they are either randomly or independently deciding to insert themselves in an unpleasant or unwanted way into our world. We often get lured into the appearances of things and what we are observing as though someone or something was doing something to us. When we hold this perspective, which is completely erroneous and disempowering, it tends to cause us to focus on “what is” and the “way it is” that we don’t like, and from that comes negative feeling thoughts. From the negative feeling thoughts, we attract more of what we don’t like and the cycle goes around.

  Another perspective we tend to fall into is that a situation or the behavior or choices of others can affect the quality of our life in some way, like they have some control over our life experience. This too is a faulty perspective. No one is or can control anything in our life, again they are there, as they are, only because they have a vibration that is equal to one we are offering.

  The bottom line is that the people and circumstances in our life are exclusively the ones we invited through our vibration. Whether they are pleasant or not, that all depends on the vibration we are putting out. What we experience is what we asked for vibrationally. If we don’t like it, we can’t effectively use our words to change it or chase it away, we need to take a look at the vibration we are sending out that brought it / them to us. Once we change that vibration to one that will attract what we want, we will invite new manifestations according to that new vibrational offering.

  To help you stay away from these disempowering and faulty perspectives, which tend to be loaded with opportunities to go to negative feeling thoughts, consider a new perspective that will help you look more at what you are doing with your vibration rather than looking at what the outside circumstances and people are doing. When you do this, then you can more easily release and detach from the details of the circumstances and take them for what they are, a manifestation of your vibration. No one is doing anything to you, in fact, they are doing something for you, they are showing you a vibration that you are offering.

  A new empowering perspective that you can consider is this; look at the things that happen in your day as evidence of your vibration. Rather than talking about aspects of your job that you don’t like in a negative way or talking about what people are doing that does not feel good in a negative way, you can say I received evidence today that my vibration is low. This is very empowering in that you are using circumstances to help you be aware of where your vibration is so you can shift it, rather then getting tangled up in those circumstances as a source of choosing negative feeling thoughts and attracting more of what you don’t like. This perspective helps you to stay away from blame and feeling that people and things are doing something to you. Instead of seeing them as enemies, perpetrators, antagonists, or tormentors you can see them as vibrational friends. This perspective enables you to change what is causing you to have experiences that you don’t like, and that is your vibration, not people or circumstances.

  What is really happening when you get evidence that you are in a low vibration? Essentially it means that your present moment thinking is being influenced by your faulty beliefs. To explain, if you have beliefs such as people can take things from me or cause my life to be miserable, or that there is not enough to go around, or that I am responsible for others, or that I can’t have what I want, or if someone gets it first then I will be left without, then your thoughts around some subjects and topics will be faulty; meaning they will be negative feeling thoughts. The negative feeling tells you the thoughts you are thinking are faulty or out of alignment with the truth of life and your power as a creator of your reality. So when you have a thought like no one respects my space, or why am stuck in this situation, this leads to a low vibration emotion (negative). Once you hold that vibration, you attract people that fulfill that vibrational level or vibrational request. To hold a vibration is to request one like it. When a person does show up to show you the vibration you offered, and you choose to feel perhaps angry, annoyed or some low vibration emotion, rather than just detaching from the circumstance as a manifestation, you attract more. The situation is giving you the evidence that you are offering a low vibration and if you stand back and reflect you will see that it was your faulty thought that no one respects me that caused a person to show up and disrespect you. Such a thought is of course faulty because you can have all of the respect you desire if you set your vibration to the level that attracts respectful manifestations. You are in a field of all possibilities and you can have it the way you want it, you just need to tell your story the way you want it, then hold steady on the vibration of that story using any subject or topic, and side step getting lured into unwanted situations that you attracted.

  When you hold your present moment conscious vibration at the level of what you want, your evidence (daily life circumstances) will reflect that vibration as life unfolds towards what you desire. When you hold your present moment conscious vibration at a level that is not what you want (the unwanted), your evidence will continue to reflect that vibration. This applies to your job, your coworkers, your family, your finances, your health, your relationships, everything. Are these aspects of your life at the satisfaction level you desire, are they improving or are they stuck or declining. This is what will tell you where you are holding your vibration with respect to each of these subjects.

  Another empowering perspective is to look at what happens in your life that you don’t like as an opportunity to be clearer about what you do. If you find you are experiencing disrespect, it causes you to more strongly desire respect. Respect feels much better. Now all you have to do is practice the frequency of respect in your present moments and it will be your experience.

  One last perspective that can be empowering is to view negative emotions as resistance. Resistance meaning something that is keeping your vibration down. When you do this, it makes it easier for you to realize that it is you who has to let go of the resistance so your vibration can rise rather than looking for others to change as a source of your relief. As you know you have no control over others, you simply decide on what vibrational level you are going to meet them.

  Other empowering words you may want to introduce into your vocabulary are soothing and relief. When you feel stressed in one way or another, these words can trigger you to take it upon yourself to shift your thinking to thoughts that feel better rather then looking for people or circumstances to change for that feel better. This keeps you in the driver seat of your vibration and what you are attracting into your life, this is true empowerment.

  For the next 7 days, at the end of each day, ask yourself “What was the evidence I received today about my vibration”. “What did today’s circumstances and interactions with people tell me about my vibration”. If you had things that didn’t feel good then you received evidence that you are offering a low vibration (resistance). If you had things that did feel good then you are offering a high vibration (allowing). If you had things that were good and not good then you are offering both high and low vibrations around different topics. If you received evidence of a low vibration, really look at what you are telling yourself, what is the story you are telling yourself about that situation? What beliefs do you hold that make you feel less than the powerful abundant being that you are? Where you find faulty beliefs and a story that is not what you want, change them. Let the circumstances help you to be clearer about what you want. You will get more information and practice about identifying and changing beliefs and your story in the coming weeks. You can use this information to help with those exercises.

  Also, from your work so far in the program you would have started to collect tools to help you find relief and soothing thoughts when negative f
eelings are brewing. If these tools haven’t provided soothing and relief from negative feeling thoughts for any circumstances you have identified in this exercise, keep a list and as you collect more tools and strategies, identify which ones are most effective for giving you relief for those circumstances. As you sooth the situations you don’t like you will find your vibration rises and you actually stop attracting those situations.


  1)What are the two reasons why you would want to understand the level of satisfaction with the various areas in your life?

  2)What is a characteristic that is needed to work through this program and change the results in your life?

  3)Why is it important to be aware of the words you use?

  4)What is the benefit of writing down an affirmation?

  5)What can you do to make an affirmation even more powerful?

  6)What is the difference between “seeing” and “observing”? How important is this to attracting the life you desire?

  7)What is the small shift you need to make in order to cause what you want to be attracted to you?

  8)What is the difference between an empowering perspective and a disempowering perspective? Why is it so important to know this?


  Week 3

  Are Your Beliefs Serving You?

  In Week 1, you wrote down what you don’t like about your life. You then used that information to help clearly state what you do like and want. However, in order for these wants to be attracted into your life, your beliefs must support them. This week we will look at your beliefs to make sure they are in alignment with your wants.

  In preparation for our discussion on beliefs, it is important to understand how feelings come into play with regard to the formation of beliefs. For this reason, let’s just have a quick review of what a feeling is. A feeling is an emotion combined with a focused thought. You may or may not be aware that you are focused on a thought stream, but regardless of being aware or not, a vibration is produced all the same. So if you feel happy because you are thinking about buying a car, the emotion of happy, together with the focused thought of a car, is the feeling. If you are feeling angry about something or sad or overwhelmed, you may not realize what you are thinking about to bring on that feeling, you may just be more aware of the feeling. Each feeling is a unique vibration and causes the attraction of a vibration that is equal to it. This is why we really want to raise our awareness about what we are thinking about. When we raise our awareness we can choose thoughts that feel good. When we choose thoughts that feel good we are at the vibration of what we want because it feels good (that’s why we want it). When the vibrations match then what you want manifests in your physical life. Maybe not this instant but it is unfolding. However if you have a belief that causes your thoughts to be low vibration then the vibration in your present moment conscious mind thinking is not equal to the vibration of what you want and it cannot find you. This is why you must understand the power and dynamics of beliefs and know when and how to change them to produce thoughts that equal the vibration of what you want.