Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Read online

Page 7

  Be sure to have a page for “Self”. This page need only have two columns as follows:

  Column 1 – negative self talk

  Column 2 – positive self talk

  It is paramount that you identify any self talk that is negative, you know “I am” fill in the blank. Remember after you write down something negative in Column 1, immediately write down how you could turn that into positive self talk in Column 2. Example, if you are saying this to your self “I am not successful at anything”, you can change it to “I am a powerful vibrational being with gifts and talents and a purpose to use them, and nature fully supports my success, I was born for success” or something that resonates with you (if you need help with the why, you will find it in the article the Truth of Abundance that I referenced previously or the article The Missing Pieces also reference earlier). Again we want to get your mind focusing on something new that will give you more time in a high vibration. Every thought you think is influencing an emotion which causes a feeling which is going into your subconscious mind as a vibration. The dominant vibrations are causing the attraction of what you are experiencing in your life. This is why it is so important to mind your focus and focus your mind.

  To help you identify what you don’t like, become very aware of the words you use. Are they uplifting and inspiring or depressing, hopeless, blaming and apathetic. Are they building up words or tearing down words. Same thing with thought-feelings, are they high like happy and joyous or low like fear, anger, worry, doubt and the like. Do you spend your time complaining or do you spend your time looking for solutions. Are your conversations about confessing the sins of others or about what good you can find in them? Do you look for the good or for the bad? These things will all help you to identify what belongs on the “don’t likes” list.

  Here are a few more ways of identifying what’s going on that you don’t like. Are you tolerating things? Things like a leaky faucet, getting something repaired, needing to have a conversation with someone. Just little things can irritate you, make you uneasy, disturb your peace and bring down that vibration. You might not think you have many things that you are tolerating but if you turn up your awareness it is usually pretty easy to come up with 20 to 50 or even more. Some of these things can really be derailing you, but can also be fantastic insights as to what you don’t like. Do you have boundaries and if so do you let others cross them? If you don’t have boundaries, you may want to think about what you are willing to allow in terms of how others treat you. If they cross that line you can let them know, and if they don’t respect it, you can let them know they will no longer be in your life (in a high vibration way). Self respect is something we want to make sure is in good order and we will do more work on this throughout the program. You deserve to be treated sincerely, honestly, and with respect and appreciation, we all do and it starts with the way you see yourself on the inside. If you have a high level of respect on the inside you will get it on the outside.

  This exercise will help you in a couple of ways 1) it will set a marker so you can see your growth. This process of mastering your life takes commitment and if you do not have a sense of progress you will probably quit; like so many who read books and do programs; they may have tons of them but they do not see changes quick enough or big enough so they give up and look for the next great solution. Knowing where you are now will help you to see in the weeks ahead that you are in fact moving forward, and that will motivate you to keep moving. 2) By knowing what you don’t like, it will help you more clearly define what you do like. So if you have attracted jobs or romance for example and they start exciting and turn … well unexciting, you can use that experience to fine tune your focus and therefore what you attract to yourself. No matter what happens there is something good you can take from it and use to your benefit. It’s just a matter of getting more and more clear until we attract the object of our desire. If you stop and stew about missing the mark then you lose the benefit and delay getting to what you really want. That stewing energy will keep you attracting more of what you don’t want.

  One of the most important items to change things in your life is to make sure your self-worth, your self-image, your self-acceptance and your self-love are all in good order. Listen to the words you use when you talk, they can tell you quite a bit about how you see yourself; things like “I am (fill in the blank), I can’t (fill in the blank) etc. I (negative word) (fill in the blank), I am no good at …, I suck at … Anything that limits you or puts you down you will want to turn around. Awareness is the first step for change and this exercise will start to bring you awareness about where you are focusing your attention and what you can shift it to.

  Exercise 2 of 6 – what do I want more of

  Mind Mastery Area 2

  In the last exercise, you identified what you do want in Column 4 by identifying what you don’t like in Column 1. To complete the list, look at the things in your life that are currently working and you do like - add those to Column 4 of the respective page topic. Also add the things that you like but would like to have more of. Now you have a complete picture of what you want in each area of your life. I suspect you may have some further ideas as you go through the program or want to adjust an item on the list, so by all means, keep evolving your list as you desire, this is a work in progress, it’s like sculpting to get to that desired result.

  Exercise 3 of 6 – filling your mind with what you want and like

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  After you make your list, it is only really going to work if you use it. For 7 days, rate yourself at the end of each day with how effective you were to turn away from what you don’t want or like to what you do want or any thoughts that equal the vibration of what you do want. Use a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being you didn’t catch yourself and spent lots of time thinking about what you don’t want and 10 being you were very diligent to quickly refocus to what you do want or thoughts that equal the frequency of it. If you find it takes a lot of effort to bring those things you want to mind, revisit why you want them and make sure you really do. When you ask yourself why you want that thing, it should really hit home the importance of it, that is what will keep it more active in your mind. That being said, if the thing you want causes you to feel negative in anyway, because it did not manifest yet, then you can turn to any thoughts that feel good and that will put you at the frequency of your desire. Sometimes it is a little more of a challenge to just turn off a situation or walk away so you may have to find a positive perspective or positive aspects to raise your vibration. This will all be further covered throughout the program with exercises to help you practice ways to shift your vibration regardless of circumstances. Further, if you find your trust in your ability to keep your mind focused on what you want and what feels good is wavering, keep reading reviewing the material that connects you with the truth about yourself, this is your foundation and you must make it solid.

  Keep this in mind, words that do not generate feelings will go no where; words that inspire strong feelings will go to the subconscious as a vibration. That’s what you are aiming for, to keep the things that you want or good feeling thoughts dominantly active in your mind. When you do this you are causing a high vibration to arise. That vibration gets deposited in your subconscious mind which then serves as the vibration that attracts like vibrations to you.

  If you are turning around an “I am …” statement from something negative to something positive and then you ask ‘why is that true’, that is very valuable. It is valuable because it inspires you to identify with the complete and natural truth about yourself, and as I mentioned, you will need to embrace this truth to really get the benefit out of this program. For example if you have been saying something to yourself like “I am a failure” and you turn that to “I am a powerful creative being”, that statement by itself may not really mean anything to you or you may not believe it yet and therefore it will not generate the feelings needed to cre
ate that image. However, if you ask yourself why is that true, it will cause you to think about why its true and you will start to know that it is true as you go through the program. As you accept the truth of who you are it will bring the feelings related to knowing you are a powerful creative being. The feeling is the vibration and that is what shifts your life experience.

  Exercise 4 of 6 – Setup the “Feels Good” List

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  Start a “Feels Good” list. When something in your day comes up that makes you feel good, write it on your list. As this list accumulates it will greatly help when you in two ways, 1) it will give you a place to shift your thinking and feeling when you find yourself in a negative energy, 2) it will help you to identify your gifts, talents and purpose which we will work on later in the program. Both of these things are very important for you to take charge of your life.

  Here is something you must absolutely embrace. You must chronically care about how you feel in every moment. It is feeling good that allows your desires into your life, it’s like putting oil on a rusty surface, it just lets things start to move and flow. For example, you could be in a line up when you are in a hurry and you can pick frustration, but you also can literally choose to switch your thinking and your mind to lying on a beach in some tropical climate. If you do and it gives you a really nice feeling, your subconscious mind does not know you are in a line up, it does not know you are not on a beach, it just knows the feeling and the feeling is what you are always after. Let’s face it, what you want is to go quickly through the check out or be served, why, it feels good. So you can use your imagination to feel how good it feels to quickly move through the line or you can feel good about imagining being on the beach. Both produce high vibrations and cause the attraction of what you want; to get through the line quickly. So this list is vital to helping you receive what you want. You have the power to put any image and feeling in your imagination that you want and it is the one that you choose that affects what happens in your life. You must stop telling it like it is and start telling it, seeing it and feeling it like you want it to be no matter where your physical body is standing.

  This is the first list of a number of lists that you will build to help you identify with your true self and to help you bring back a high vibration if you are low. I recommend that you dedicate a notebook for all of the lists you accumulate. The notebook is like a tool box and it will provide you with quick reference to the tools (lists) that enable you to master your mind by intentionally shifting yourself from a low vibration to a high. You could call your tool box, the Mind Mastery Tool Box. You will notice that each exercise indicates which area of mind mastery area it is part of so you could keep all exercises together in their respective area. This will be a very valuable arrangement as you will see when you get to the of the program.

  Exercise 5 of 6 – Setup the “Success List”

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  Start a “Success” list and add it to your mind mastery tool box. Recall anything and everything in your entire life that gave you a feeling of being successful. Any thing that you achieved and it felt good is a success. Did you make a pie, tie your shoes, those are successes. I just want you to know that success does not mean making lots of money and being a celebrity or someone in the spotlight for some reason. Did you grow a vegetable garden, look after plants and achieve what you wanted, that is a success. It does not matter how anyone else felt about it, if you felt the success, only in your mind and didn’t even say anything about it, it is a success for you. It is very important that you acknowledge this. The fact is that you are a success, you were born a success. It is only because of repeated “bad” experiences, faulty beliefs and missing out on nature’s laws and truths that cause this to be overshadowed. This list is very important in helping you spring back into a high vibration. It will be used in the coming weeks as we look at strategies to replace triggers that cause low vibration emotions, reactions and behaviors. You most likely won’t sit down and think about all of your successes, but as you do add them to your list.

  Exercise 6 of 6 – Setup the “Feels Good To Think About” List

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  This exercise is very similar to Exercise 4 of 6 in this weeks material. The only real difference here is that instead of identifying the things that you can get up and do right now that cause you to feel good, this list will contain anything the feels good to think about even when you are not in a place to literally to it. It could be something you can do tomorrow or do regularly. It can be something that you want to do but have never done. It could be something you have done previously but have not done for some time. It could be something you want to have that you don’t have now or never had. It could be something you had at one time but don’t have now. It is something that just feels good in the thinking about it. It could be eating a specific meal. It could be flying a kite. It could be imagining yourself on a beach in a warm climate. It could be thinking about visiting with a friend. It could be thinking about walking your dog. It could be imagining yourself buying a house that you always wanted. The list is virtually limited only by your experiences and imagination. This is an extremely valuable exercise because before anything can manifest in your life, you must match the frequency of that desire. The vibration of your present moment vibration must match the vibration of your desire so the law of vibration can connect you. Remember, only equal vibrations attract. So by finding the feeling of what you want to experience, you are allowing it to manifest into your life experience.

  So go ahead, start your list and every time you are thinking about something that gives you a really nice feeling, add it to your list.


  1)Why are you most likely not living a life that is yours?

  2)What is the value of identifying what is in your life that you don’t want / like?

  3)What are the two value points of embracing the contents of the articles The Truth of Abundance and Patience – The Road to Your Dreams?

  4)What is one ingredient that causes your life experience?

  5)What is the value of knowing why you want what you want? (what are the benefits)

  6)How can tolerating things affect your life?

  7)How can you know if you are moving forward? Why is it important to know this?

  8)What needs to be in good order for you to really change things in your life?

  9)Will reading alone change your life? If not what will?

  10)Words and thoughts are important but what really constitutes the vibration you are in?

  11)If you are using positive words but have negative feelings at the same time, what will your vibration be?

  12)What is the purpose of the “feels good” list and “success” list?


  Week 2

  Your Life Satisfaction Indicator

  The first of 4 exercises this week will help you determine your current level of satisfaction in the areas you identified in Exercise 1 Week 1. This will enable you to prioritize which areas need most immediate attention. For example, if you are wanting to start a relationship but are lacking in personal direction and fulfillment, your health is failing and your finances are in a mess, you may want to use this information to be sure you are setting your priorities in terms of what you are giving focus and attention to. As indicated in Week 1, focus and intention are two very important ingredients when it comes to what you are attracting. By knowing the area(s) that are most important to improve, you will know where to set the majority of your focus and intentions with the thoughts, feelings and images that will attract the improvements. Remember the higher your vibration, along with clearly knowing what you want, is what will attract more of that to you.

  Another important reason to understand your satisfaction level is that there may be times when you think nothing is changing, doubt this process and you may feel
like giving up. There may also be days when you may think the work is not worth it or think, hey, things are going in a good direction, I got this figured out, I can give up on this now. That’s when you can use this satisfaction rating to motivate and inspire yourself to carry on. It will connect you with why you started this program in the first place and what it would mean to go back to the start.

  As you start to use your mind in a new way, things will start turning around little by little, but it will only continue if you are committed to completing this program. It may seem like a lot of mental work as you constantly think about what you are thinking about; however, as you do it more and more it will get easier and become a habit. At that point you will not have to think about it anymore, just like learning to ride a bicycle. Instead of a physical behavior habit you will develop a mental habit.

  Exercise 1 of 5 - Rating the Satisfaction Level of the various areas of your life.

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  Using your list from Exercise 1 Week 1; take each area of your life and score it on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 would mean that area is in the best possible shape it could be in and 1 is that it really needs help. This will clearly show you where your satisfaction level is with each area of your life. Being honest with yourself is the only way you are going to be motivated to change, so tell it like it is. To help you with the rating of each category, think about each one as though it was a symphony, with 10 being absolutely beautiful music, and 1 a very disorganized sound, what score would you give this area, how is the music sounding? Ok score each area. Let’s not look at the scores as good or bad but just as something that is. They are just a result from a cause, a cause that can be changed. If you don’t like the results you are getting in a particular area, this is a step to setting your focus on that area to attract the results you do want.