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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 6

  5)What are the advantages of standing at the top of a mountain versus the bottom? How does this concept relate to the effect of limited beliefs and taking charge of your life?

  6)Does it matter how you put the pieces of a puzzle together in terms of seeing the picture? How does that relate to this program?

  7)Why is changing your life from the inside out, more effective than from the outside in?

  8)What does it mean to live life from a vibrational perspective versus a physical perspective? Which is more advantageous and why?

  9)What does it mean to be the master of your mind? Why would you want to be?


  Preparing to Take Charge of Your Life

  Introduction to Module 1

  Your true self and living in alignment

  In terms of living life in general, many times we stop thinking about what is possible and those desires in our heart. We also stop thinking about what we can do to improve our life situation where we have dissatisfaction and simply follow along with the masses, seeking security and certainty. We live with things we don’t want and live without things we do want.

  The reason we follow along, doing the best we can is that, without the truth and facts about our self and life, we just don’t know what else to do. Life is more about survival and finding a place of comfort where there is “security”. What happens without the truth about our self and life is that we question what we can achieve and what we can have; basing our decisions on the conditions in the outside world. We compare ourselves to others, we live with a scarcity mentality, and we use fear as a main driver to move forward or fall back. Fear, in fact, is a main driver for so many of the decisions we make about much of our life. We worry about what people will think; we are afraid of what will happen to us in the future and punish ourselves for the past. We wonder how we will look after our self or if someone else will look after us. We wonder when we will get a break and we simply doubt our abilities and capabilities to really affect our life experience.

  Given this inaccurate view of our self and life, it stands to reason that if we are going to take charge of our life, the first order of business is to restore the truth of who we are, the truth of what life is meant to be and realign with it. It is important to understand that this process is indeed all about realignment. The faulty information and lack of truth simply caused us to become out of alignment from who we are, therefore, we are not manufacturing something new, we are simply coming back into tune with what is, who we are. Realignment will get us back on our natural solid foundation from where we can allow our natural power and birthright to success and fulfillment to flow through us.

  To really put this concept of alignment into perspective, think about a tunnel in three sections. If the sections are in alignment then the flow through is maximized. But if the middle section gets pushed out of alignment, you can see how the flow through will be impacted; the more out of alignment the less flow through. In terms of your total self, lets look at you as three sections, one is your body and conscious mind, the next is your subconscious mind and the third is your source self. Your body and your conscious mind account for your participation in your physical world experience. Your subconscious is where your beliefs are stored. There are other functions of the subconscious but for the purpose of this illustration we will focus on beliefs. Your source self is perfect, it is every thing whole and complete, it is health, happiness, peace, creativity, purpose, love, abundance and everything that represents a fulfilled life. When all three of these sections are in alignment, that means alignment with characteristics of source, then physical life will be an experience equal to those characteristics, however, when the conscious and subconscious mind are out of alignment with source (negative feeling thoughts and beliefs), those tunnel pieces become misaligned and the flow of what you desire in your physical life is reduced. In terms of life, this amounts to unwanted circumstances and / or health issues. As you go through the program, you will come to get a more complete understanding of this concept. There is a diagram on my website at, called “Self Alignment” which shows the relationship between these three components: Body/conscious mind, subconscious mind, and source.

  To further understand the completeness of who you are as human being and your inherent and natural attributes, I have written an article called “The Missing Pieces”. It gives you the facts about who you really are and about life. You will need to embrace this to really get the most out of this program, therefore, upon finishing this introduction material, you can read the article completely and highlight any areas in the article that get your attention before starting week one of the program. You can view this article on my website at Also in the video section there are two videos which support this article. One is at called “The Missing Information” and the other is at called “The Biggest Missing Piece”. Without this information and knowing how to use it, it is virtually like driving a car with a blindfold on. When we are blindfolded we simply cannot navigate the road effectively. Similarly, we cannot effectively navigate life without knowing this information and how to apply it.

  The focus of Module 1 is to get you completely up to date with the totality of who you really are, your total and innate qualities, and how each of your three distinctive pieces of self works together. Further, this module will provide complete awareness of the laws and truths that govern everything in the universe and how they work in conjunction with your innate qualities to enable you to completely direct and take charge of your life.

  You can liken this process of “restoring” your self alignment to that of buying a damaged house to renovate; what is the first thing you would do? You would stand back and take stock of what needs repairs, that way you know what services and materials are needed to restore it back to original. This is the same with our life. We need to stand back and understand how the faulty beliefs and missing information has contributed to what is going on in our life (damage). Then we can understand what needs to be done, within us, to restore our physical life to the level of enjoyment, fulfilment and satisfaction that exists within our source self and that we came here for, in other words get our house back in order.

  Letting go – clearing the road to your source self

  As you start to work through Module 1 and the other Modules, be mindful that your beliefs may throw up resistance. As you will come to understand, your subconscious is very protective of what it holds as your reality, your truth, the picture it has as your “home”. You now know, because of what you read in the article “The Missing Pieces”, that there are almost certainly some faulty beliefs and conditioning in your subconscious. When you start exposing your subconscious to the real truth it’s going to perhaps cause some fear and doubt and general discomfort. This is why it is important to keep yourself connected with this material on a daily basis and if you can, augment it with like material. That will help you to identify with your source self. Once you are anchored in who you really are, you will know that you have a power within you that is stronger than anything that is going on around you. This is when you start to realize that you can change anything in your life. As your connection with this material, and therefore your source self grows stronger, your confidence, trust, belief and faith in your abilities to take charge of your life will grow. You will also realize that fear and any emotion related to fear only exist in the absence of your misalignment with source. You simply understand that there is nothing to fear and you have everything you need to direct your life along your natural path. This will change what you have been experiencing that is not pleasant to something that is.

  Another issue that you will have to contend with as you move towards a high vibration state of mind and self alignment is memories. They can, at times, have a strong influence on yo
ur thoughts and choices, but know that your mental will is stronger. You can truly turn away from any thought that does not feel good. I realize that you cannot completely erase those memories, BUT you have a power to diffuse and displace the effects of them which you will learn. You must know and completely embrace this fact – whatever feeling you hold in your conscious mind in every present moment, it is transmitting an impression to your subconscious that affects what is attracted to you. For this reason you really must take charge of your thoughts and emotions to take charge of your life. For example, if you were emotionally hurt sometime in your life and you continue to rethink it, re live it, you are giving life to that vibration all over again. If the hurt resulted in sadness, then that is the impression you are continuing to make on your subconscious and it will attract more experiences of sadness to you. It may seem a bit harsh, but as you understand the laws you will feel more at peace with how they work and realize that they promote only love and peace amongst everyone. What you will learn here is to leave the past alone (except for the good stuff) and focus on today and your vision for the future. You will do this with fresh new thought-emotion-images (vibrations), the ones that will give you what you want. In order to figure out what you really want, we will temporarily look at what you don’t want or don’t like. That is a very helpful exercise to set a new focus for attracting new results.

  In terms of memories, it is very helpful to remember that every one around you in those growing up years did the best that they could based on their knowledge and information, even if that experience is downright unpleasant or even something worse. Love them for doing the best they could. You don’t know what happened to them in their life that had them behaving the way that they did. You most likely don’t know what they have endured. They too were missing this life information and received faulty conditioning to some degree as well as some degree of distortion to their self image and worth. Holding on to negative energy of the past will keep you repeating it, letting go will set you free.

  Just know that what happened in the past, at least to some degree, had you accept faulty beliefs about yourself and life and this has caused a misalignment amongst the various parts of your complete self. This misalignment has caused you to live a life that is not in tune with who you really are. This can be likened to the proverbial bear wearing an alligator costume, life just does not flow naturally. Module 1 is going to help you to realign so your true and natural self can emerge. Let’s get started. Let’s take off that “who you think you are costume” and let the real you come out. I like the phrase, forget who you have been, remember who you are. But let me be clear, you may be in tune quite nicely with parts of your life and so carry on as you have been to get those results, it’s just the areas that are not working as you would like, those are the ones we want to bring back into alignment. Let’s get started.


  1)What is the first step in restoring something to its original condition?

  2)What three powerful emotions can faulty beliefs and erroneous conditioning cause?

  3)What is the value of being connected with high vibration material every day?

  4)Does your subconscious mind know if what you are thinking about is from the past, present or imagined future? What is the significance of that?

  5)Why will embracing the Truth of Abundance and the Law of Vibration motivate you to do the work in this program?

  6)What is important for you to realize about the people in your past? Why?

  7)Can a bear live a good life amongst a herd of elephants? How does this relate to what has happened to us?

  8)What does it mean to be in alignment with your source self?


  Week 1

  Discovering Your True Self

  From the Life Cycle diagram you viewed in the Higher Vibrations Program section, you know that to some degree you are on a path that is not completely allowing you to express who you really are. You are essentially the bear in the alligator costume and you have been trying to live that life, but because you are not an alligator it just doesn’t fit, things just don’t work and they don’t feel good. You are living a life with a conglomerate of beliefs of the people and situations that influenced you when very young. Those beliefs have caused you, to some degree, to loose touch with who YOU really are and what this journey of life is all about. So now it is time to get back into complete alignment.

  This week, in exercise 1, you are going to push everything to the side and feel around in your heart, in your dreams and in your gut for what it is that you want for your life experience. It is likely that you have not given much air time to your dreams and desires and probably have thought more about ‘what is’ and the way that is that you don’t like. For this reason, you will want to spend some time clearly identifying what you do want, and what is very helpful in doing that is knowing what you don’t want. Once you identify something going on in your life that you don’t like you can use it to help make a statement of how you would like it to be, the opposite. We don’t want to dwell on or give energy to past or present issues that did not / do not feel good. We just want to use them as leverage to uncover and identify what the good stuff is, what we really want. If you do choose to get emotional about what is going on that you don’t like, you must know that you are choosing to be in a low vibration and what that brings. Rather than getting negatively involved, choose to see the situation as an opportunity to identify what it is that you want to leave behind. It should give you a good feeling to know that when you do this, you are taking the first step in moving from an unwanted place to a wanted place. Would you be sad to acknowledge that there is a rock in your shoe or a thorn in your side, no, it allows you to get rid of them knowing full well that you are going to feel better when you do? This exercise is to bring clarity on what you want and start to get you clearly focused on it.

  As you will come to understand, what you focus on is what expands in your life experience so it is very important to the quality of your life that you keep your focus on:

  1)what you want (rather than what you don’t)

  2)who you really are (versus who you have been led to believe you are)

  To help you embrace the importance of these two items, I highly recommend that you go to my website at and print these two articles. 1) The Truth of Abundance at and 2) Patience – The Road to Your Dreams These are very helpful to keep you completely connected to your true self and a high vibration. Also you may want to keep them handy for those moments when you feel the need for a boost. It is very likely in this process that there will be times when you need a boost as the momentum from old beliefs can be quite strong to lure you into a low vibration. Additionally, I have posted many other items on my site that can move you to a better feeling place and reconnected with a high vibe when you may be having an off moment or day. My site in general has articles, videos, images, diagrams and inspirations that can give you a boost so feel free to go there any time and get recharged. As you will see, there are also many tools throughout the program to help you move to a high vibration.

  There are 5 exercises below, starting with figuring out what you really want. As you will come to realize, this is a vital component for you to take charge of your life. The reason is that whatever you focus on in your mind expands in your life, so you want to be totally sure your mind is hanging out with what you want. The remainder of the exercises further support what you really want and help you to identify who you really are. In part this is about building up self-image which is another critical component for you to take charge of your life.

  Remember to collect your exercises into their respective mind mastery area as shown in the Exercises by Category in the back of the book. For your convenience I have indicated the mind mastery area with each exercise in the program to
help you with grouping the exercises. If you do group your exercises together in a note book, computer file or whatever works for you, by mind mastery area, it will be easy to access all of the exercises that pertain to an area of mind mastery. This is very helpful if you need to practice your proficiency in a specific area of mind mastery, not only as you work through the program but for any time in your life that you feel you are not attracting what you want; you can use your grouped exercises to focus on and tune up any area of mind mastery.

  Exercise 1 of 6 - Figuring out what you really want and like

  Mind Mastery Area 2

  I recommend that you do this exercise on several pieces of paper. Each piece of paper will represent an area of your life. For example, relationships, career, health, finances, etc. You might want to get even finer and breakdown relationships into several sub areas like family relationships, friend relationships etc. If so then use a piece of paper for each sub area. Once you have all of your pages labeled then you can make six columns on each with the following labels:

  Column 1 - what I don’t like (about what is going on in this area of my life).

  Column 2 - why I don’t like that thing.

  Column 3 - what emotions do I feel because of this thing.

  Column 4 – what I would like to see happen instead (what I do want).

  Column 5 – why I want that thing to happen.

  Column 6 – what emotions would I feel to have what I do like

  By writing what you do not like, it will help you to spin it around to what it is that you would like. Once you get clear on that, then you can start to talk about what you want, focus on what you want, imagine what you want and set your vibration to the frequency of what you want. Once you start spending more time in the frequency of what you do want rather than what you don’t want, you will start to attract what you do want rather than attracting what you don’t want.