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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 5

  •Patience that what you want is unfolding into your physical reality (manifesting)

  To put this program into perspective I have included a diagram on my website called “The Life Cycle” at Essentially, it shows how, after we are born, we quickly get (unknowingly) guided down a path that causes us to be misaligned with who we really are. It also shows what happens as a result of being on this path of misalignment versus our true and natural path of alignment. You will see that the further we stray from alignment, the conditions and experiences of our life tend to get worse. What is powerful to know however, as shown in the diagram, is that you can take a bridge back to your true self any time and then experience the things indicated when you are aligned with your true path. I also have two other diagrams to help grasp this concept of being misaligned with our true and natural self. They are “The Effect of the Missing Pieces at and “Which Flower are You”

  In Module 1, I compare the similarities between restoring a home and restoring alignment with our true self. Just like a home can be restored to its true and original state, serving its original purpose and intention, we too can restore alignment with our true and natural state, enabling us to live the fulfilling life we came here to live.

  In Modules 2 and 3, to help with the understanding of the laws and truths that govern us and everything in the universe, I use the theme of growing crops on a farm field. You might be thinking, “What does growing crops have to do with living life”. I believe this theme is very powerful in understanding the affects of what happens in our life when we intentionally cooperate with the laws of nature versus when we unintentionally do not. Think about growing crops, what happens; we prepare the ground, plant seeds and take care of the field to get a quality food product. Our life works the same way as follows:

  Fertile soil


  high vibration

  Quality seeds


  your clearly defined dreams and desires

  Proper planting


  attracting your dreams and desires

  Field maintenance


  focus on high vibration to allow your desires to manifest



  acting on what you attract to experience what you desire.

  Imagine what would happen to a farm crop if the soil was not prepared (tilled and fertile), and / or if the seeds were weak or improperly planted. Imagine if we left the field to tend to it self and only returning to gather what has grown. Imagine not harvesting when that time came but doing it early or later. Any one of these things can result in the farmer getting a very undesirable result, and having very little or nothing to show for the growing season. So it goes with our life experiences if we are inattentive to the attraction process; we are not very pleased with our results. What does it mean to be inattentive to the attraction process? If we are unfocused about what we want or allow the events of the day to shift our focus continuously from a high vibration to a low, then we are using our vibration to attract what we don’t want; we are essentially planting seeds that will produce what we don’t want. If we focus on what does not feel good we are in a low vibration and attract what is equal to that. If we allow our mind to wonder amongst a myriad of unrelated and not good feeling thoughts then we are not really focusing on anything in any quality way, and the garden of our mind will not yield much of what we desire in our life; it will however yield more of what we do not desire because it is always yielding something, constantly. If we don’t act when opportunities and inspiration comes, that is, the fruits of our high vibration, then we don’t complete the cycle of what we attracted and don’t get to enjoy it. Think about the results you are getting in all areas of your life. Are you an effective “mind” farmer? Are you effectively tending to the garden of your mind?

  In terms of the program layout, in each week of the program you will have questions to answer that will really help you to connect with the information and concepts you read about in that week. In addition to questions, there are also exercises in each week. The exercises throughout the program serve as tools for you to continue to use after you complete the program, this will allow you to carry on with the process of mastering your mind and taking charge of your vibration and life. By the end of the program you will have a full toolbox to draw on as you need.

  In fact to achieve total mind mastery, there are four unique areas of mind mastery and each exercise you do throughout the program will be identified as to which area of mind mastery it belongs to. As you go through the program I would highly recommend that you keep your exercises together in some fashion according to their area of mind mastery. It would be useful to have a binder of some sort where you could have four sections, one for each area of mind mastery. It would also be helpful if you could add and remove pages in each section as your exercises are not static but what I call living. In accordance with the law of expansion, you will continually make changes as you get clearer about what you want for your life and you reach for more as you realize your desires. This is your mind mastery tool box and reference which you can use for the rest of your life to maintain yourself as an effective creator of your reality by intentionally focusing your vibration. You will see the value of your tool box when you come to Week 19 where there is a monitor for each area of mastery. The monitor will help you to see how proficient you are in each area. If you need to increase your proficiency in any area, you can use that area of your tool box to do so. So by keeping your exercises organized, you will have an easy way to review, adjust, redo the exercises and other material that pertain to that area of mastery. The monitors, and the organized exercises together, this is your complete tool box to sustain a high level of mind mastery, not only for the duration of reading this book and doing the program, but for the rest of your life. To further help you with the organization and quick access of the exercises by mind mastery area, there is a summary at the back of the book that lists all exercises by area of mastery. It also shows the diagrams and articles that pertain to that area.

  As you move through this program you will see that much of what you have been taught is largely based on false beliefs around limited resources and limited personal power to make your life be what you want it to be. This of course breeds thoughts and feelings of fear, vulnerability, and insecurity and therefore the attraction of things you don’t want or like. This false information has kept you from your greater life.

  What you will experience with this program is much like walking up a hill as follows: When you stand at the 10 foot mark you cannot see much out over the land so there is less awareness of possibilities and opportunities, but each step you take gives you a new perspective, new awareness, new possibilities and new opportunities. Imagine the difference in what you will see when you stand at 100 feet, and then 200 feet. Visualize it; you know you will see much more. How much of life do we miss out on because our beliefs keep us at the 10 foot mark? So often we just get to the point where we will not venture outside of our paradigm, our comfort zone until it is too painful to remain within it. Then, although we may be terrified of letting go of what is familiar, letting go becomes less painful then staying where we are. This, unfortunately for so many, is what it takes to start the process of change, to face the fear of what seems to be the unknown, letting go of the known and start walking up the hill. Of course, I am happy to say that what every one discovers in stepping up to higher ground, that is, learning the truth about themselves and life and letting go of faulty and limit
ing beliefs is that life simply gets better; easily and effortlessly. There is really nothing to fear at all. There really is no need to be concerned about having enough resources to look after yourself. There is no need to be concerned with being left alone, or stuck in a job you don’t like or having some illness or disease that ruins your life. Believing in such things are simply beliefs related to the lack of knowledge about your power, why you came here and your relationship to the universe. This is the journey that you are on with this program, to discover the truth and put it to use to live the life you came here to live.

  Although you may be somewhat familiar with much of what is presented in this program, it is not your familiarity with the concepts but how you use them, how often you use them, and how you use them together that makes the difference in your life. It’s like a puzzle, you need all of the pieces put together in a precise way to get the picture, so even if you are familiar with something, pay close attention on how it must work with the other concepts in the program.

  The program is laid out as follows:


  Week #1 - Who’s Life Have You Been Living

  Week #2 – Your Life Satisfaction Indicator

  Week #3 – Are Your Beliefs Serving You

  Week #4 – A New Declaration, Setting Your Direction

  Week #5 – Review, Reflection and the return of your Identity


  Week #6 – The High Vibration of Abundance

  Week #7 – The High Vibration of Gratitude

  Week #8 – The High Vibration of Doing Your Best

  Week #9 – The High Vibration of Giving, Understanding and Compassion

  Week #10 – The High Vibration of Living in the Present Moment

  Week #11 – High Vibration People

  Week #12 – High Vibration Life Style

  Week #13 – High Vibration Reflection and Review


  Week #14 – Waking up to Your Purpose / and supplemental information

  Week #15 – Preparing to Attract Your Desires

  Week #16 – Planting the Seeds of Your Desires

  Week #17 – Nurturing Your Desires

  Week #18 – Acting to Receive Your Desires

  Week #19 – Monitoring Your Progress and Mastery

  Week #20 - Summary

  As you can see, each week, step by step you will build on the knowledge and abilities to take charge of your life. If you do the work in the program, your life has to change for the good because you will have changed your vibration to a higher frequency and you will have set a clear vision for your life. When you put a clear intention(expectation) together with a strong good feeling about that intention, and you repeatedly practice that feeling, you cause that thing to be attracted to you. In other words, when your conscious mind vibration matches the vibration of what you desire, you cause it to move to you. Then it’s a matter of inspired action to bring it into your full experience.

  Because we are raised to believe that “fixing” our life issues is the result of something out side of us like taking a pill or someone doing something for us, we often hold that mentality against any method used to help us resolve our life issues. The trouble with those “outside” methods is that they work directly with symptoms, conditions and circumstances which are effects, they are not causes. Although the outside methods can give temporary relief, they are not really a long term fix unless they help us make a permanent shift in our vibration on the matter. To really “fix” our life issues we must go to the cause for symptoms and circumstances and that is within us, it is our vibration. Our vibration is responsible for what is attracted into our life, therefore, it is the inside vibration change that we need to make in order to cause a change in the symptoms, conditions and circumstances of our life. For this reason it is important for you to understand that the process of life change is one where you shift your vibration. The good news is that you are totally in charge of this inner world of vibration. You simply need to embrace that it takes commitment, time, patience and repetition to shift your vibration. This shift simply causes you to attract new things that are equal to the vibrational shift and therefore your life experience changes accordingly. Shifting vibration is not a cure for the symptom directly; it works much more effectively than that, it is a cure for what causes the symptom. Shifting vibration usually causes changes to happen more gradually than external methods, but shifting vibration has no side effects and is permanent. You can see an illustration and description of this on my website at . It is called “Life Change With Vibration”.

  To further help understand the correlation between our vibration, that is, our dominant emotional state and what it attracts into our life, you can see the diagram on my website called “Effect of Emotions” at You can see on the diagram that as you move to higher vibration emotions, your life circumstances also change to match the higher vibration. As you go through the program you will come to understand the process of moving up the emotional scale to a higher vibration. This is a critical process in maintaining a high vibration, a process that we are typically unaware of. Many times people attempt to go from a very low vibration to a very high vibration but that typically ends up back down in a low vibration. It’s similar to climbing a set of stairs, you may be able to skip a step but generally you have to climb up one step at a time to get to the top. If you attempt to reach too far you loose your footing and fall down. This is the same with stepping up the emotional scale to a higher vibration, it requires that we move up in steps as one big jump is not very effective.

  By going through the program you will move from the one dimensional concept that life is only about the physical world to the two dimensional concept where the physical world is simply the manifestation of our vibrational world. Vibration is our real world, our true reality and it is displayed on the screen we call our life. The vibrational piece of who we are is responsible for everything we observe and experience in our physical world. However, in our unawareness of this, we tend to use our vibration to our detriment so much of the time by allowing circumstances (manifestations to be the source of how we feel and therefore the vibrational set point we are at). Once we realize that the physical life we experience with our 5 senses is the result of our vibration and that we control our vibration, then we understand that we do not have to allow “what is” to be the source of how we feel and are free to choose our thoughts and feelings. This empowers us to manifest whatever we want, it allows us to be, to do and to have what we want, independent of anyone or any circumstance. Once we realize that our dreams and desires are present all around us in a vibrational form and we can manifest them into our physical world anytime we like, then we realize it is just a matter of learning how to do it.

  So rather than living a one dimensional life of working with the physical world, we actually can work with a much more robust reality; a reality where we can turn thoughts into things; a reality where we can turn our dreams and desires (our vibrational reality) into a physical reality that we can see, touch, taste, smell and hear. To turn our vibrational reality into our physical reality only requires that we learn how to tune our conscious thought>feelings to the frequency of our vibrational reality (our desires). To say it another way, it only requires learning how to match our daily present moment thought>feeling vibration with the vibration of our desire.

  When we embrace this vibrational reality, our outlook on life and the way we conduct our days becomes very different. Instead of buying into the daily circumstances as the way life is and all that there is to life, we can see a much greater life as not only possible but something we can manifest, it is certain. We are never stuck in any circumstances and we do not have to buy into them, it
s a choice. We can actually use them to help us with manifesting new circumstances that are more to our liking. When life or parts of it are good we can choose to feel good about it and enjoy it for all it is worth, this keeps our vibration high and the goods coming. However, when there are parts that are not as we want, we don’t have to pay attention to them in a negative way. We don’t have to stay negatively engaged with what does not feel good. We can use it to our benefit. We can use it to help us be clearer about what we want and then find a way to reach for better feeling thoughts using any topic that will allow us to match the vibration of what we really want. When we do then our vibrational reality becomes our physical reality. How radically different is that. Life is not happening to us, we are causing life to happen. This is what this program is teaching you to do, bring your dreams and desires from a vibration to something you can touch. And even if you are not clear about what you want right now, this program will help you identify with that too.

  Knowing this new all pervasive reality, the priority of our day then is to find ways to feel good, and to emit the frequency that is equal to what we want. This vibration is always high because what we want feels good and feeling good is a high vibration. Once our daily present moment thoughts match the vibration of what we want the universe essentially, through the law of vibration and attraction, brings it to us. No more going out to get things, and making things happen, and no more worry, fear, doubt, struggle or strain; just ease and flow. This is what this program is going to help you achieve.


  1)What is the significance of Module 1 of this program?

  2)Why will this program enable you to take charge of your life?

  3)How did our life journey get to be on the road that it is?

  4)What does it take for a farmer to have a successful crop and how is that similar to attracting the results we want in our life?