Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Read online

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  The Missing Information

  I put this program together because, after years of studying various materials on this subject, writing about it, my own personal experience and working with people on personal issues, I realized there are four major reasons that really account for what happens in our life:

  1)lacking the truth about who we really are

  2)lacking knowledge about the laws the govern the universe and everything in it

  3)unawareness of how and why the words we use, the thoughts we think, the beliefs we hold and the emotions we feel manifest into our life experience

  4)focus on what others are doing, comparison to others and living in the past or future

  For example, he treats me like (fill in the blank), she annoys me, irritates me, frustrates me etc. The Government is (fill in the blank). The economy is (fill in the blank), my coworkers are … People always treat me like … It always seems to be what is out there that is the reason you can’t have what you want or why you “get” what you don’t want or feel the way you do. This program will show you why these people and circumstances are not doing anything to you but rather doing something for you. Once you see the difference, this is part of what will help you to change your life.

  You will come to understand as you read through this program that there actually is a scientific reason for what does and does not happen in your life. That there is an invisible universal energy flow always at work and that it delivers the circumstances of your life according to your instruction to it. Just like a projector, through thin air, casts a movie onto a screen from the contents of recording media, what we have recorded in our subconscious mind is casting our movie called life. Most are unaware of how their thoughts, feelings and beliefs come together to form the recordings. Most are also unaware that the recordings cause this universal energy to transform into the experiences of their life. We are all born with the mental faculties to direct what this universal energy delivers to our life. If we know how to use them, we can do so for greater life; if we don’t … well we tend to use them in a way that works against us. Know this; you have been unintentionally trained to use your faculties of mind, and therefore energy, against yourself. The more dissatisfaction you experience the more you are using it against yourself. The truth is, you are a co-creator of your life and you have a hand in all that you experience, whether you realize it or not. Every moment of your life you are instructing this energy through your feelings and once you provide the instruction, this universal energy delivers to your experience according to those instructions, nothing more and nothing less. As referenced earlier in this section, you can visit my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=902 to help further understand this concept.

  Here is a short illustration to help explain that we really can’t change things on the outside world; that change always happens from within. If you were watching a movie and found you did not like it, would you go to the screen and attempt to get rid of the movie by peeling it off of the screen and replacing it with another? Sounds silly eh! What would you do? Of course you would go to the projector (source) and change the media. This is a critical point to grasp in terms of the law of vibration. Your life will not change by working on the things that you see, touch, taste, smell and hear; those things are the projections of the recordings (vibrations) in your subconscious mind. Sure you need to respond to things in your physical world but if you want to change the things that you are responding to, you will need to change the inner recordings. When you do this you are changing the instructions you are sending to your subconscious and that will cause a new “life” movie to be projected into your experience.

  The Truth Versus The Lie

  There is a scene in the Sci Fi movie Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief where the main characters enter a club in Las Vegas. Upon entry they are offered Lotus Cookies to which they indulge. They find the cookies to be alluring and this entices them to eat more. What they don’t immediately realize is that the cookies are giving them a fabricated feeling of euphoria. In this euphoric state they start to get lost in all of the pleasures of the club. The patrons continue to keep all of the customers eating these cookies to keep them in their world of disillusion. Eventually the main character hears a voice telling him that he must “wake up”. As he starts to look around, he strikes up a conversation with another fellow who actually believes the year is 1975, meaning the guy has been there for over 30 years but thinks he just got there that day (due to the effect of the cookies). The main character then really starts to “wake up”, pushing any more cookies aside as he proceeds to “wake up” his other two friends. The patrons realize what is happening and attempt to coral them but they escape from the club. Once the main characters get out of the club they realize they have been in there for two days (even though when inside they thought they were just there for hours).

  Although their time in the club seemed euphoric, they realized that they were actually prisoners kept at bay by something that made it seem real. It really reminded me of what happens to us when as little people we unknowingly take on beliefs about our self and life that are simply false (the metaphorical lotus cookies). Those false beliefs, unbeknownst to us, rule our life like just like those cookies ruled the patrons in the club, in a sense we are being held captive. Those beliefs affect the way we see our self, the way we see how life could be lived and this then affects our decisions which affects our relationships of call kinds, our career, our finances, our business, our family life and eventually our health. Just remember if you continue to think and do in the same way that got you where you are today and give no heed to the power of your beliefs or the laws of the universe, it is unlikely that you will experience any positive and lasting change. It is likely you will continue to get what you don’t like. Remember, whether it’s a relationship issue, a money issue a health issue or anything else, it will only change with a change in you. You attracted it, you can attract something different, but you must change the media in the projector (beliefs and thought>feelings>images).

  Another area of faulty beliefs that holds us back from the full experience of life is the belief of finite resources, and really finite everything. This causes us to engage a scarcity based reality. What it does is promote fear and all things related to fear like greed, envy, jealousy, insecurity, vulnerability etc., because the thinking is this, if there is only so much to go around then I better get my share before it’s gone. I better get the money, get the mate, get the food, get the car, get whatever before someone else get’s it or before I get to old or to something. It tends to pit us against each other as we compete to be the best, the richest, the prettiest, the smartest, the fastest, or get it first because if they get it we will be left out and that is way to scary. We fight desperately for security and to “get” the things we believe will secure our life even at the peril of others. People strive to be “the” best instead of “their” best. So often, because of scarcity, we achieve through being driven by fear instead of passion and this is really no achievement at all in the big picture of humanity, it just drives down the collective vibration. The victory of one or a group at the peril of others is using nature’s laws against all of humankind. So often, instead of pooling our energies to create, we work either individually or in groups to be the “winner”. Scarcity is a lie, the truth of the laws that govern the universe is that we can all be successful and winners at the same time and that there is enough for all. This will become obvious the more you connect with and embrace this material as you work through the program.

  This whole notion of being without the truth of who we are, the truth of abundance and the universal laws is very damaging to our self worth and self image. It just leaves us so often feeling like we are not deserving, not enough, not lovable, not worth it. That we do not have much power to really affect our life and we feel subjected to forces around us. It leaves us wondering why things happen to us as they do. It
leaves us with little insight as to what we can do about many of life’s issues. This inspires insecurity and uncertainty and those can have us feeling vulnerable and defensive which lead to hurt feelings, taking things personally and even being nasty to others as a protection mechanism.

  We have also seen the effects of those fighting for power over others for control; to secure their position. Just look at the death and destruction throughout history, its all because of our unawareness of the truths and laws. There is only one cure for the lies and fallacies and that is the truth. The truth will set you free from the lies and fallacies and allow you to be all you are. There is no point in trying to solve the problems of the world or in your life because they are not problems, they are manifestations. If we want manifestations of a better outcome for our self and for all, we must learn the truth and understand how to use the manifesting machine that we are – then use it accordingly. This is what you will learn, understand, and how to apply by going through the program.

  The power of beliefs is so critical to understand in terms of why our life is the way it is that I will sum it up in these last few paragraphs to reemphasize it. We tend to believe that physical life is all there is to life; the complete realm of reality, our total existence. That what we see is what we have to work with. We believe that for everything that happens in physical life, there is a physical life cause for it. We relate everything that happens to us as being due to what is going on in the physical world. We believe many things are out of our control and we are subject to conditions. We don’t understand why some people treat us the way they do, we don’t see that we are in any way connected with the behaviour they bring to us. We tend to believe that if something is going to happen or be solved in our life, we must make it happen with our conscious mind, our words, our money, our education, our position, our associations to others, or our body. We look for causative reasons outside of our self if something is going wrong or not working out for us. We believe that there is one pie for all to share, only so much to go around, so we better get a piece before someone else does.

  These beliefs cause us to blame others, blame conditions, judge and compete or fight for what we believe are scarce resources. This of course puts us in a low vibration. These beliefs also cause us to experience some degree of struggle, fear, worry, insecurity and doubt because we wonder if we will have enough of what it takes to get what we want (time, money, smarts, appeal etc). We wonder if someone else will get it first, we wonder if there will be enough to go around. If we do get what we want, we feel good although we still wonder if it will last and therefore continue with some degree of struggle and stress. We tend to think about all of the things that can happen to take away that thing we want. If we can’t seem to make what we want happen in one way we look for other ways wondering what is the way that will work. If we find nothing seems to work, we give up and do something different altogether or put up with a less than fulfilling life.

  Why do we live life like this, because it is all we know? We are simply in the dark about the information that will allow us to be the intentional creator of our life experience. We are unaware of our vibrational nature and in this unawareness we use our power of attraction against our self to attract what we don’t like rather than what we do.

  Thankfully we can learn to use our power and attract what we want to be, to do and to have intentionally. When we do this it completely changes our life by putting us in the driver seat to decide what experiences we will have. How do we effectively use this vibrational piece of who we are in our daily life to intentionally attract what we want? That is coming up in the next section.


  1)What is the power of beliefs and why is that important to the quality of your life?

  2)What causes our daily life experiences, is it because of something inside of us or something outside of us and how?

  3)What do faulty beliefs cause?

  4)How are our thought, feelings and actions linked to beliefs? How important is this?

  5)Are you solely in charge of directing the results that occur in your life? Why or why not?

  6)Why does positive thinking alone not change your life?

  7)Does money, education or being a nice person guarantee a good life? If not what does?

  8)What are the 2 high level reasons for what happens in our life?

  9)How is trying to change our circumstances like trying to change a movie by tearing it off of the screen?

  10)What does a scarcity based reality promote? What is the effect on our life?

  11)What effect does it have on our self image to be without the truth about our self?

  12)What social issues has the planet endured because of the lack of knowing the true facts about who we are and the laws that govern us?

  The Higher Vibrations Program


  This program consists of three modules. The first module helps you get aligned with who you really are; your natural attributes, the natural power and faculties within you to attract your desires, the natural support you have for success and fulfillment from the universe and the natural access you have to abundance. It also helps you to displace the faulty beliefs that cause you to be out of alignment in the first place; the ones that cause the life experiences that you don’t like or want. The second module provides you with the elements of a high vibration mind set that will allow you to attract the life you desire. The third module shows you how to specifically use your mind faculties effectively to attract the life you desire.

  After going through the three modules, you will have the knowledge, the tools and the know how to master your mind, which means mastering your vibration and therefore taking charge of your life to achieve the following:

  •Identify and replace limited and faulty beliefs that are holding you back from what you desire (relationships, health, career, material wealth etc.)

  •Release expectations of others and stop taking things personally (low vibration)

  •Choose your vibration no matter what is going on around you (to equal the vibration of what you want and therefore attract it)

  •Be happy to take total ownership, accountability and responsibility for everything in your life, knowing why you are attracting it and how you can change it

  •Listen to your heart and follow it

  •Know how to get in touch with your true desires, and attract them into your life

  •Know how to identify your gifts and talents and your purpose to use them

  •Emotionally turn away from any negative situation and anything that does not support the attraction and allowing of your desires.

  •Let your natural desires and passions be the driver of your life

  •Know how and why to choose faith over fear

  •Maintain a positive emotional state

  •Intentionally attract more of what you want and less of what you don’t

  •Gain certainty that you can be, do and have anything you desire

  You will also find that you see improvements in the following areas

  •Self image

  •Easily resolve conflicts

  •Easily make decisions and feel good about them (high vibration)

  •Easily choose compassion and understanding for others and situations no matter what is happening (high vibration)

  •Walk away from any communication feeling good (high vibration)

  •Easily find gratitude and appreciation no matter what is happening (high vibration)

  •Setting healthy boundaries and feeling good about them (high vibration)

  •Responding positively (high vibration) to any situation rather than reacting negatively (low vibration)

  •Finding the good in anything and everything (high vibration)

  •Respecting, acc
epting and appreciating anothers point of view

  •Peacefully dealing with disagreement

  •Develop a can do attitude

  •Sustaining intentional focus on thoughts and feelings that are high vibration

  •Feeling confident to expect what you desire to come to fruition (manifest)