Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 3
Think of this program like you would think of going to school for any achievement. You dedicate yourself to study and practice, and then get experience; learning from your mistakes and correcting. As you continue to get experience and get more proficient, you then enjoy the rewards of what you have learned. If you go to school to become a carpenter, being a carpenter becomes part of your life. You don’t just learn it and then put it aside, you use it. This program is the same, it is not something to read and put aside, it is to make part of your daily life. In fact, this program is teaching you how to master your mind so you can take charge of your life. What you learn here will become the new way you operate your mind in every decision you make, and in every thing you do.
Like eating, which you can not do once and for all, you also can not study this program once and be done with it if you expect to master your life. You will need to continue to practice what you learn until it becomes a habit. If you stop, old habits will probably creep back in, but once you make what you learn a habit, you will not have to think about the mechanics anymore, it will be as automatic as what you are doing now that produces the results you are living. Just like when you learned to walk as a baby, once you got it, it just became a function you used to do other things, you no longer thought about it. Intentionally directing your life through the faculties of your mind is something you need to do everyday and by embracing what you learn in this program, you will do it automatically, it will be your new automatic mode of operating your life.
The Higher Vibrations program is not only setup to help you create the life you desire as you read and do what is in it, it is strategically setup for continuous use and reference throughout your life. I intentionally set it up this way so it can help you to maintain vibrational mastery and therefore continuously manifest the life you desire. As you go through the program, you will be building a Mind Mastery Tool Box. The tool box will have 4 sections, one for each area of mind mastery. To help you setup your tool box, each exercise in the program is identified as to which area of mind mastery it belongs to. By the end of the program you will have a tool box divided by area of mind mastery and each area will contain all exercises that pertain to that area. To help you get the most out of your tool box, in Week 19 there are 4 Mind Mastery Monitors that you can use to test your proficiency in each of the 4 areas of mind mastery that you learned throughout the program. If you need to increase your proficiency in any area, you simply go to that area in your tool box and redo, add to or review the exercises and material that are most applicable. You can use the monitors and tool box any time in your life when you feel you want to increase your effectiveness in attracting what you desire. Also, at the end of the book is a summary of exercises and other material by area of mind mastery. This essentially is the layout of your Mind Mastery Tool Box.
You are a human being, much more than a body, you are an extension of source energy, you are the creator of your reality, you have the support of the universe and its laws for a fulfilling life and you have a mind with amazing abilities. This program will show you how to master the operation of your mind, to effectively use those abilities, leverage the power of the universal laws and therefore take charge of your life.
Why Your Life Is The Way It Is, the Good, the Bad, and Ugly
The Power of Beliefs
Just think, 300 years ago if you went into a persons house and said to them, “you don’t need those candles or lanterns anymore to light your home at night, I am going to put a switch on the wall and a fixture on the ceiling and if you need light, simply push the switch”. What do you think they would say to me, do to me! I would just be hoping there was not a tall cliff anywhere near. How about in the year 1550, you told someone that one day people would be able to sit in a “machine” and it would fly in the sky taking them halfway around the world in hours! You probably remember what happened with many who suggested the world was round.
Just as the people of those ages would be un-accepting and in disbelief of such ideas and concepts, it seems today we still refuse to entertain new possibilities and accept new things that do no fit our version of “normal” or our paradigm. In this “fixed” mindset we limit and miss opportunities to improve the quality and satisfaction in our life. For this reason, I ask that you keep an open mind as you read through this program, answer the questions and do the exercises. You most likely will come across information and concepts that you are not familiar with. Rather than saying “this cannot be true”, say “how can this be true”? When you consider new possibilities; that is when you find new ways to add more satisfaction to your life and create new results. It is in the thought of possibility that so many great advancements in human living have come to be. All of the great inventions came from the thought of possibility, extending beyond what was, to what could be – air flight, automobiles, the light bulb, the telephone and more. What lies ahead I believe to be the largest discovery of all time and the discovery that explains all other discoveries. This discovery is the realization that our feelings (thought-emotions) turn energy into matter. How this happens, and intentionally making it happen, is what you will learn in this program. You will also learn about the incredible power you have, the incredible power that is supporting your success and how to start using your power knowingly rather than unknowingly.
Beliefs will be talked about in many parts of this program and it is critical that you understand how powerful your beliefs are, and what impact they have on your life. Consider the following, 4 men got trapped in a coal mine, there was only enough air to support the 4 men for 2 days. One man had a watch and he kept time. To give the others more hope, when he told them that an hour had passed, it was really that two hours had passed. In other words, where he knew they were in the mine for 10 hours, the others thought it was only 5. His logic was that this would keep them calm, thinking they had more time to be rescued. After 3 days the men were discovered but only one man had died. Can you guess which one? Yes the man with the watch. How can this be true you say? Each man had access to the same air; it would seem to be a constant, but is it? The one man that kept time “believed” he had so much time before the air ran out and he would have realized that time was up. The other three “believed” there was still more time and therefore more air. That was the only difference between the man that died and those that did not. By the time you finish this program you will know how this can happen, in the meantime remember to keep your mind open to all possibilities.
Here is another example that shows the power of belief. At an electricity development company, it was always a joke of the Engineers to give the summer student the project of how to figure out how to frost a light bulb on the inside versus the outside. It was a joke at that time because the Engineers were convinced; they absolutely believed that there was no way a bulb could be frosted on the inside. For some years one student after another was foiled to produce the result until one summer a student did. How did an inexperienced student produce what a team of experienced Engineers could not, clearly it had nothing to do with ability? Beliefs are once again at work, they can open doors and they can close doors.
Let’s look at an analogy to get an idea of how our beliefs come to be and how they affect our life. Let’s say you have a video recording device and you want to record a home movie so you can play it back on a screen for viewing. What is happening when you create this recording? You basically aim the recorder to the view you want, press the record button and the images are then stored on the media. Afterwards you connect the device to a media projector and play back the recording to see the movie on screen. Now think about this, the image on the screen is a display of the movie recorded but neither the screen or the displayed images are the movie. The actual movie exists on the media as an electronic encoding. This is a critical concept in terms of understanding how our beliefs play out in our life. Let me explain. Think of your five senses (conscious mind) or your imagination as the recorder view finder, you can ch
oose either input. Now think of your subconscious mind as the recording device with media that records what is on the view finder. When you hold an image with a feeling in your conscious mind, you are in essence hitting the record button for it to be stored in your subconscious mind. As this is done repeatedly you form beliefs (about your self and life). Your subconscious mind then plays back the recording in the form of your life circumstances – your movie called life. You experience circumstances but they are not your life, they are the result of the projection of what you recorded. You will get a more complete understanding of this as you go through the program but for now, the point is that what you experience in life is not because of what is happening around you but because of what is happening inside of you – your vibration, that is, your feelings and beliefs. There is a short note called “Choosing Our Life” along with a diagram on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=902 to help further explain this concept.
This process of recording to our subconscious mind begins at a very young age; we record what we repeatedly experience from the influences around us. This develops into our beliefs about who we are (our self worth and image) and the way life is to be lived. Then our life experience is simply a playback (manifestation) of those recordings. So you see, your beliefs are really at the root of what you see happening in your life. The life you experience with your 5 senses is really a recorded movie! That means physical reality, before it comes to be, is first formed in the mind, and that tells us we really need to understand how to record the movie we want. What is great about all of this, is that just as you can rerecord new images on media, you can record new beliefs and therefore change your life experience. To help you with the rerecording, you have the power of choice and the faculty of mental will and imagination. You can pick a new result you would like to experience in your life anytime and use these three elements to experience it. In this program you will get to understand and practise how this is done.
Here is another example to illustrate how powerful beliefs are. A baby elephant was chained to a peg in the ground to keep it from wondering off. The chain allowed the elephant to roam within a certain distance around the peg equal to the length of the chain. As the elephant grew to full size the chain was replaced with a light rope. Now you might say to yourself, the elephant could walk away at anytime, and it probably wouldn’t even realize it broke free of the rope. This is logical thinking, but there is something at work that is not in the realm of the logical mind. In the elephant’s experience of life, from the time it was young, it only could operate within the radius of the chain, and this became a fixed (faulty) condition of life stored within the elephant (a belief). Using the previous analogy you could say that was its movie. This full grown elephant, even though easily capable of breaking free did not make any attempt of doing so, it literally could only act in accordance to the conditioning, according to what it “believed” was possible or true. It was now programmed to believe it could only move in a certain area; that was its reality and the behaviour always follows the stored reality or self image. Essentially it was a prisoner of the conditioning from when it was young. As you will see, just as the elephant was conditioned with its area of movement, we are all conditioned in one way or another by those influences in our early years especially. Now we think, feel, act and speak in accordance with and within the diameter of our beliefs. Our feelings are highly influenced by our beliefs and it seems like we have this invisible power controlling us because we end up with results we do not like and we wonder how and why. The reason is this, Faulty beliefs = faulty thoughts = negative feelings = low vibration = the attraction of unwanted circumstances. By repeating the same faulty thought we give momentum and power to the faulty belief and reinforce it which influences our faulty thoughts again. You can see the cycle. In the program you will learn how to break this cycle. These faulty beliefs are what cause the unwanted results we see in our life. But know that we can create new more dominant beliefs and therefore cause the law of vibration to work for our good, to work for us versus against us, to move us forward instead of holding us back.
To understand why your life is the way it is, it is critical to understand how beliefs work and how deeply they affect our life. They silently influence our thought-emotions while attracting to us situations congruent with the belief itself. Unless we are aware of this they tend to keep us prisoner and wondering why things happen as they do. Beliefs are really a silent partner directing our life. If you understand this and understand you can change them, this alone can begin to set you free as you realize you have the power to change your life at anytime by changing beliefs.
The law of vibration is simply a law of the universe that governs our life. Each of our feelings are a unique vibration and they cause the attraction of our life experience, the experience is the effect of the vibration. If your life is not the way you want it to be, it is not because you have some deficiency, it is not because some God is looking down pulling strings and sabotaging your dreams or giving you the short end of a stick. It’s because you have not learned how to work with the law of vibration and the other laws that you will see in this program. One of the other laws, in fact, is quite clear that the universe is in full support of your success. The universe has given you all that you need to live a life of health, happiness and abundance and it supports you along the way. It is because of the faulty programming that we mis-use these laws and consequently cause the attraction of what we don’t want. The governing laws are always in operation and they work consistently, constantly and reliably. What causes our life to be the way it is, is that for the most part we have been using the laws and our personal power against our self. This happens because we don’t understand them and never learned how to use them. We didn’t go to the school of mind mastery nor did we have a mind mastery user’s guide to consult. This program will show you how to use nature’s laws and your personal power for your good and the good of all of human kind. The time has come, I believe it is the next big step in human evolution.
Below are two concepts that will help you to understand why your life is the way it is and at the same time, what is needed for you to take charge of your life. These concepts are thoroughly covered in the program. For now, realize if your life is not the way you want, it probably has a lot to do with not understanding these concepts.
You life IS NOT about what you WANT.
Your life IS about what you BELIEVE.
Positive thinking alone does not change your life,
You need sustained and focused positive feeling.
You can instantly prove this to yourself, how many things do you want now that you don’t have (and don’t really know how to intentionally cause them to come into your life)? Really think about that for a minute. Now, based on the fact that there is this universal energy that will take the form of that which you impress upon it, clearly your wants are not being effectively impressed upon it because if they were you would have what you want. So what is it that impresses the universal energy? It is the vibration you generate as the result of your beliefs. It is feeling combined with attention and intention, desire and expectation that causes what is attracted to your life. You will learn the complete recipe as you go through the program.
You can study as much as you want and get every degree and certification known to humankind but if your beliefs are limiting (faulty conditioning), then they are holding you back, giving you the life you don’t want. Your life will be similar to that of the elephants, you will simply only ever operate in a limited world. All of the physical power in that elephants body was of little value to it because within the elephant was the faulty, limiting belief of its area of movement. Our life will only ever be lived in accordance with our stored beliefs. It’s only when your wants are supported by your beliefs that you will experience what you want, therefore you must change your dominant beliefs to support your wants.
Here are some common beliefs that we liv
e with but really have no basis in any truth. They may cause you some resistance or be controversial but by the time you get to the end of this program you will know exactly why they represent some of the erroneous conditioning that we received. They tend to do to us the same thing that the peg in the ground did to the elephant. After each statement below you can plug in the words “NOT TRUE”.
There is a limited supply
Competition is necessary
We need to establish job security
You need a job to make money
To get more money we need to work harder, longer
Low grades are a reflection of our potential / intelligence
The government is the cause of (fill in the blank)
I can’t heal myself
I don’t have the ability to change my life
Others are to blame for the way I feel
The way I feel has nothing to do with what happens in my life
I better save my money when the economy is “bad”
If I want something I must have money to buy it
I am deficient in some way, not as capable or valuable as others
My negative thoughts and emotions do not affect my health
You have nothing to do with the negative stories in the news headlines
Doing Does Not Equal Having
Many people are busy doing things, even doing things seemingly “right”, but many times not getting the results they really want in one or more areas of their life. In fact, people work hard, have a heart full of love, good intentions, are helpful, give to charities, volunteer their time but still have a life with some degree of emotional or physical discomfort, upset or all out pain. They have some level of dissatisfaction or down right unhappiness and lack of peace, always coming up short or getting the short end of the stick, or just not feeling great about them selves and about where their life is. Life seems to be a series of ups and downs, excitement one day, looking forward to what is coming and the next day, everything seems to be falling apart or perhaps just a feeling of, where am I going, what should I be doing. Whether it is related to career, romance, relationships in general, family, finances, health challenges or major diseases, why is this? Could there be a way to live, could there be some formula that would empower us to live a life where we had a high level of satisfaction in all areas. We know that money can not buy fulfilment, it can be used for many good things to help our self and others, but if you look you can quickly find people with lots of money but experiencing areas of pain in their life. It is the same thing with education, we see highly educated people with dissatisfactions in their life and no real knowing of how to correct it. We see people successful in some areas of life and having challenges in other areas. So once again we can start to see some seemingly invisible power working against us, but there really is no mystery, it is simply beliefs and related vibrations at work, it is also the lack of knowledge about how our mind works and how we are operating in the context of the universal laws. The solution of course is the truthful knowledge about who we are, and application of that knowledge to change the root cause for this up and down life that we live?