Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Read online

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  Not that I needed more inspiration to follow this path but I also lost my mother, father, older brother and sister at middle ages to disease. Each one carried its pain but made me dig in my heals with determination to know that life is not random, that it cannot be true that we have little say about our health or the quality of our life and mysteriously succumb to death, disease or various dissatisfaction without rhyme nor reason. I did of course find out why that is not true but still to this day these concepts, as far as I know, are not taught in our education system. For example, the book by Maxwell Maltz, Psycho Cybernetics written in the 1960’s has so much vital information on these concepts of who we really are but they were all new to me when I read the book long after school. They are very straight forward concepts and it amazes me that they have not been adopted as part of the teachings of children from the beginning. By going through this program you will clearly understand these and other concepts along with some universal laws and truths that we did not get, but absolutely need to really achieve a long life of health, happiness and abundance. Without them we are simply walking around blind folded and so much of life, unbeknownst to us, is lived by trial and error.

  In this program is what I have found after years and years of studying a great deal of material, personal experiences, writing and coaching work. It became very obvious that there is an inner world within each of us and that what happens in that inner world is the cause for virtually everything in our life. There are laws of the universe that operate and govern everything whether we know about them or not, or believe them or not. They operate as precisely as the law of gravity. They govern what our life is and what it is not. They hold the secrets of why we live life in a state of fulfillment or lack or somewhere in between. My journey has shown me that our formal education is based on the world around us and very little about the world within us, and it is this inner world that holds the keys to our outer life. What I intend for this program, is not only to provide the knowledge that I believe is missing from our education, but how to implement this knowledge into your daily life through weekly exercises and apply it. This will allow you to use your inner world of power to intentionally attract good into your life and positively affect the lives of everyone around you.

  Higher Vibrations

  You may be wondering how the title of this book, Higher Vibrations, has anything to do with health, happiness and harmony or even what is meant by higher vibrations. Think of it like this, let’s say you have a ring on your finger and for some reason it is quite a challenge to get it off. If you put a little cooking oil on your finger and get it around the ring, you may notice that the ring slides off quite easily. Higher vibrations do for your life what the oil does for getting the ring off of your finger, they will make your life flow much easier with experiences that feel good and bring you easily and effortlessly together with what you desire. Think of low vibration as stuck, dissatisfied, unfulfilled and high as moving, satisfied and fulfilled.

  So what is a vibration? You will get a good understanding of what a vibration is as you go through the program, but basically, every “thing” is a unique frequency of energy (a vibration) and this includes each emotion, that’s right, your invisible, I can’t touch them emotions. Think about it, even though you can’t touch an emotion, did you ever have tears of joy? Did you ever think about how tears, things that you can touch, came about from an emotion that you cannot touch? How is it that joy turns into tears?

  It is a law in our universe that like energy frequencies (vibrations) attract, and this is often referred to as the law of attraction, therefore the higher your vibration the more quality of life you attract to yourself and positively influence the community around you. And know this, your vibration is naturally high; it will stay high if you do not pull it down with negative feeling thoughts. Happy and peaceful energy will attract happiness and peace into your life. Angry and fear based energy will invite the like. One key to living the life you desire is becoming aware of your energy vibration all day long. The vibration associated with each moment has an effect on what you will experience in your life. One thing I want to impress upon you throughout this program, particularly in as far as the unpleasant experiences you may have in your life, or not having the experiences that you do want in your life, is to look at everything from a vibrational point of view rather than a circumstantial point of view. You will be amazed at how much power you have to change the results in your life if you will do this. For example, if someone acts towards you in an unpleasant way, if something does not turn out the way you wanted or if you catch that voice in your head being unkind to you, just see it as the manifestation of vibration. In this way you can work with it so much easier without taking things personally or getting emotionally involved in a negative way (which as you will learn, causes more of what you don’t like). By simply acknowledging what is happening as a vibration, and then using the tools in this program, you will learn that you can change your life by changing your vibration and ultimately, take charge of your life. That means improved experiences in every area of your life from relationships, to career, to finances, to health and everything else: all by simply looking at things in a new way.

  Consider this, if you were to tell me about the way someone treated you that does not feel good, you are not telling me nearly as much about them as you are telling me about you. In all that you say about them, all I hear is you telling me about a vibration you have chosen, which has now resulted in this experience. Any time you go to a negative feeling about an experience it simply means you have more work to do within you in terms of understanding how to release resistance and therefore raise your vibration. You always have the choice to hold on or shift away from a negative feeling. You always have a choice to see it as an opportunity to rise above it or get entangled in it. To rise above will cause you to attract more of what you want; to get entangled will cause you to keep attracting the type of experience you do not want. Many times we take circumstances at face value rather than looking to the deeper vibrational message, but once we do, the difference is simply life changing. Leaning to live your life from the perspective of finding ways to match the feeling (vibration) of what you want rather than basing your feelings on the appearance of things is a huge part of what you will learn in this program, and really the key to allowing everything you desire to manifest in your life easily and effortlessly.

  By the time you read, answer the questions and go through the exercises in this program you will know very clearly what high vibrations are and how they are essential to living life with balance, excitement, joy, peace and fulfillment in all areas.

  To see where you are with your vibration right now you may want to go to my website and complete the Vibration Indicator Questionnaire at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=92. This can be very helpful to identify low vibration areas and track your progress of increasing your vibration. Just imagine the difference in a life area that has a vibration level of 2 and one that has a vibration level of 8 (on a scale of 10). You know that these would be two very different lives.

  The Intention of This Program

  The principles and concepts you will find in this book are well proven and there is a list of references at the back for you to consult for greater support and understanding of this material. I do not spend any time proving that the laws of the universe I refer to in the program, they have been proven, and as you study this program and perhaps some of the other reference material; you can easily prove them to and for yourself. Think of it like driving a car or using some piece of machinery or appliance. You may not be able to build and service that item, but you know there is an effective way to use it and an ineffective way to use it. Knowing the mechanics are not necessary to be a proficient user, it is sufficient that you know it is a sound working item. Your job is to use it properly. So it is with the universal laws that govern everything, we simply need to understand them and trust them and then learn how to use them for
our good and the good of all. The book E squared by Pam Grout is an excellent resource to help you understand and prove the universal laws referred to in this program.

  In order to help you become a master of using your power and working with the laws of the universe to be the intentional creator of your reality, the intention of this book and program is as follows:

  •To cement you in the truth about your power and who you really are as an energy being.

  •Identify with your true desires, your ideal life and effectively telling the story you want to live.

  •Help you to understand what a high vibration is, how to maintain it and what it does for you

  •Effective action as an energy being in a universe of vibration.

  These are actually the four areas of mind mastery (and therefore vibrational mastery and life mastery) that the program is ultimately showing you how to achieve. There is a focus on this in Week 19 of the program. Mind mastery simply means intentionally choosing what you think about, how you think about it and how you feel about it regardless of circumstances or conditions. In means to be aware of what you are feeling, acknowledge it and if it is negative, shift it. When you do this, you are intentionally setting your vibration as you will come to understand. When you intentionally set your vibration, no matter what is going on or has gone on in your life then you are the master of your mind and you will intentionally cause what you want to experience to be attracted into your life. On the contrary when you allow the way it is and the way it has been to be the source of what you think about and how you think and feel, now you are allowing circumstances to dictate your vibration and that will cause you to re-attract those same circumstances. This is not mind mastery but thinking by default and therefore attracting by default. Further if you deny having negative feelings and try to use positive words to cover them up, you are not using your emotions as the guidance system they are intended to be to let you know you need to shift your thoughts to ones that put you in a better feeling place, a high vibration place. This is paramount to understand and apply if you want to live a fulfilling life because the universe does not hear your words, it hears how you feel.

  This program will show you that you have a power within you that is greater than anything around you. It will show you that there is a way to deal with anything in your life and make it more preferable and pleasant. It will show you that there is a way for you to be the master of your life in all areas, and therefore live the life of health, happiness and abundance that nature intended.

  It is my intention for this program to be a virtual human beings user’s guide. It is setup not only for you to understand why your life is the way that it is, but show you how to use your power for greater life and fulfilment in all areas. Learning to use the power of your mind will enable you to be a master of your mind and therefore your life. This is an educational program with exercises for you to do and questions for you to answer in each section. The questions are intended for you to really connect with the information, really have it sink in. The exercises give you a way to put it into practice so you can see how it is used in your every day life to enable you to attract the life you desire. You will gain the awareness and tools needed for personal transformation.

  Think about this, doesn’t everything we buy pretty much come with a users guide, how else would we know the intended and proper use, the proper care and maintenance from those who created it. Doesn’t it make sense that there would be a users guide for this virtual machine we call the human being. Have you ever seen a person use something they know very little about without consulting the user’s guide? Have you seen the results that come from that? Have you ever used something strictly according to the way you have been taught by another who got their information handed down over generations? Then one day, because of some challenge, you consulted the manual, only to realize that the way you were taught was basically incorrect, missing a few steps and essentially ineffective; and that there is so much more the thing can do and so much more effectively.

  Our mind, our greatest power; we are using it according to hand-me-down information from people who didn’t know how to use it! Look at the history of the human race, I don’t need to tell you about how much pain and suffering has been experienced on this planet and still is. Could it be we are living by trial and error because we really don’t know how to use this human being machine properly, and therefore we are using it improperly? Could that be the underlying reason for the dissatisfaction, pain and suffering that we see happening to so many lives and what is happening on this planet? I suspect this will become evident as you work through this program. Just imagine all of the things we use in our world and using them in a way that was not as intended, imagine the disastrous results. Imagine using a metal grinding machine with no eye protection and in the area of flammable fumes. Even something as simple as fire, it can be used to heat a house; it can also be used to burn it down. Proper use is the difference. If you want to see what happens when people use things improperly, look up a show called “What were they thinking”. Now imagine if we are using our mind in such an improper and unintended way, could that also be disastrous to the satisfaction we get in our life and to our health.

  Getting Results

  With regard to getting results from this program, if you want to move any part or multiple parts of your life from where it is now to something more preferable you are going to have to dedicate and commit to the daily time needed for this transition. That commitment will only happen if you decide to make it a priority; that is, identify if it is really important to you. I do realize that everyone has to keep living life, you can’t stop your business, quit your job, forget about your spouse and kids and go to school on this material all day long, I get that. For this reason the program has been divided up into 20 weekly sessions that are designed to fit into each day. Setting up the sessions as a 1 week unit gives a target and causes you to work to it. As you will see in the program, setting targets causes your vibration to draw you to it. That being said you can go through it at a pace that fits with you, either more quickly or taking more time. Understanding and applying the material is more important than conforming to a particular schedule, just be careful to set a target that you commit to otherwise you will most likely find yourself drifting and loose the effectiveness of the program and your momentum. You may want to increase your commitment as you move through the program. Whatever that commitment is, you must keep your word to yourself. If you want to start at 30 minutes a day that is great, if you have 2 hours a day that is great, or perhaps alternate amounts of time. One is not better than the other, simply put, what you put in is what you will get out. If you take a break it will most likely cost you momentum and slow your results. It is ever so easy to be lured back into the world you are now living until you firmly plant yourself in a new way of operating your vibration. Some of your best friends in this process will be repetition and patience. It is far more effective to spend 30 minutes a day rather than 2 hours here and there. Consistency is a key.

  Right this moment I would like for you to do two things. The first thing is, think about why you have engaged this program, there must have been pain, discomfort, dissatisfaction of one sort or another that you can no longer live with or are not prepared to live with. Grab a piece of paper and on one side, write this thing down (no typing, use good old hand writing), all of the details, what it is, what it feels like, what it is doing to your life and if you don’t change it, how it will impact your life over the next 5 years and beyond for that matter. Now on the other side, state what you want in its place and why. For example, if romance has been an unpleasant experience in your life and you wrote down the details, you can now write something like this on the other side. I desire a relationship that is … describe it, why you want it, how does it feel, how will it change your life over the next 5 years and beyond? This is your contract to yourself. There will be days when you may want to qu
it the process, think its not working or you might get lured back into the old world that you are leaving and think, what is the use. This contract is the one thing that will not let you quit on yourself because you will know where quitting will take you – right back to the land of pain that you described and that drove you here in the first place. Your contract reminds you in detail why you are here, why you need to be here and that only by continuing on will you change the quality of your life.

  We will actually use what you have just written as part of your program exercises. At this point you may be doubting or not really believing that you can have the positive thing you wrote down but that will change as you go through the program. By the time you are finished you will know why things are the way they are and you will know why you have the power to change them.

  The second thing is to write down, on the side of the piece of paper that you described what you want, is how much time each day you are going to commit to yourself for doing the work in this program and what part of the day. This is where you have to decide on what you are going to take the time from or juggle your schedule to make this part of it. You may have resistance. This is the commitment part. With out this commitment you are almost certainly going to let it start sliding for other things. Your life will not change, if you don’t change something. We have been conditioned to take the pill and keep on going, but this is not a pill, this is a real fix for your life and it takes time and commitment.